Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DreamWorthy Gifts' 5-a-Day Gift Card Give-Away

5-a-Day Gift Card Give-Away!

Holy cow, we've lost our marbles!

It's happening again!!!

It's the DreamWorthy Gifts
~ 5-a-Day Gift Card Give-Away! ~

We did some math (yes, it hurt) and determined that this is a win-win promotion. Plus, call us crazy, but we just love giving away our gift cards!

So, we are extending our
5-a-Day Gift Card Give-Away through Sunday, May 31, 2009! We'll give away a $10 virtual gift card for http://www.DreamWorthyGifts.com to the first 5 people a day who send an email to GiftCards @ DreamWorthyGifts.com and ask for one.

That's it! Just send an email and you could win a free gift card! On random days, we may announce that we are giving away more than 5 a day, so even if you think it's too late, send the email!

Our gift cards are transferable, so you can buy something for you, for someone else, or give it away!
While you're at our site, check out our Refer-a-Friend promotion banner on the home page, and learn how to save up to 40% on future purchases!

It's always...
Serious Shopping | Crazy Prices at DreamWorthy Gifts!

For even more wacky fun, follow @DreamWorthy on Twitter!


ECS Dave said...

Er, ummm, email sent... LOL

Nice thing you're doing here... ;)

Be Well!
ECS Dave

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